Join the Visionary Leaders Rising Group
Now is the time for you to step into your greatness knowing you are supported by a benevolent universe! When people gather in groups, we are able to create together a synergy that amplifies all our individual efforts.
Our groups meet online on Zoom throughout the year, offering a safe and confidential space. Sign up to receive an invitation to the next meeting, or if you'd like to reach out to me directly. Looking forward to seeing you and sharing our visions.
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” Henry David Thoreau
The Visionary Leaders Rising Group brings together people from around the world to share in activations, empowerments and integrations that support the global visionary business community.
Group mentorship enables pioneers free and frank discussion of anything and everything related to their own self-empowerment and the development of their visionary and evolutionary leadership qualities.
“I work with visionary leaders who aim to help create a better world that is collaborative, net positive, thriving and abundant for all; moving from hierarchy to synarchy.” ~ Athena Melchizedek

A community space where we can transmute our limitations to reach our highest potential.