I have been a member of 2 very different groups for the past couple of years- one spiritual and one secular. Both doing their best to bring radical change to our world.

I found many commonalities between these 2 very different groups of souls for many of the members in both groups have been on their path for many years and done huge amounts of personal development work and are committed to changing the world and, particularly in the secular group, in bringing more consciousness to the world of business.

Many have done lots of hard work and have been fearless in their search for the answers for how to make a rapid shift in a current chaotic and turbulent external reality in their own lives and in the reflection of the world of business Most can see clearly what the problems are – out there

Most think they understand why these problems exist Many have made incredible changes in their own lives but still there has been a sticking point.

How do we as a global community affect real and tangible change to the lives of many, our businesses, our communities, our world when faced with socio-political systems and corporate and financial systems that are based on profit for the minority?

How do we generate a more compassionate, kind, loving, sustainable prosperous and flourishing planet for all life?

How do we evolve our projects, work, businesses, enterprises, and institutions from old paradigm hierarchical structures to more equitable models?

How do we build true sexual equality and respect for the feminine energy in both men and women creating loving, kind, caring and respectful relationships in our personal lives, our work, our businesses, our communities and the global family at large?

It must be clear by now our earth is evolving and we are evolving with her. Whether we are aware of this or not it is happening.

In both groups I have worked with I have recently witnessed the implosion of all that is out of alignment with the incredibly high-frequency energies that are bombarding planet earth now.

As profits are at the core of how most things are currently run on planet earth this technology will eventually affect all private and corporate business, all institutions and governments.

We are seeing the old patriarchal and hierarchical structures are being called to accountability where abuse of the weak and defenceless can no longer be tolerated and, the so-called victims are taking back their power rising up and speaking up!

Our relationships with each other our being radically reorganized as science is now fairly and squarely showing us unequivocally that we are all interconnected, interrelated and interdependent…

Even the older spiritual teachings of transcendence are giving way now to the new empowered and embodied approach of integration.


Because not only is this imperative for our own individual lives but also because we act as conduits to ground this energy and the information it carries and make it available for the planetary energy system. This embodiment results in the synthesis of the greater being that we truly are WITH the Divine Presence underpinning the Divine Human that we are also. Many of us have been doing our work for years. It seems never-ending. This is because we are all ONE being. We are connected to the morphogenetic field of all life through our DNA.

We can make huge individual and collective shifts very rapidly by harnessing the power of a group harmonic. What we each do is amplified by the group and has an exponential affect on the whole.

Science now evidences this. Imagine what we can do for our world and quickly. Quantum Physics is showing us clearly that all external change is an inside job.

If any of the above resonates with you I am offering you an invitation to join the Inner Path Group Program where together over a short period of 6 weeks

• We will harness the incredible power of group energy to shift personal, genetic, ancestral and planetary patterns around money, wealth and abundance and the common prosperity blocks, completely changing your abundance consciousness.

• We will address discordant patterns of both the masculine AND feminine inner energies that affect your creativity and productivity enormously as well as those patterns holding the hierarchical templates in place and transmute this discordant energy for each participant and the collective.

• We will discover and transmute all lower frequency energies that prevent you from connecting to your own infallible guidance system so that you can discern truth from falsehood and set your new creations in motion in full alignment with the Divine Plan for earth.

This is not hocus- pocus or psychobabble. This work is based on scientific principles and universal laws and it works.

If in resonance do join us.


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