fractals and group endeavour


fractals and group endeavour


To see the world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. —William Blake

All form is based on how energy moves, and all the various geometric shapes are created by spin or rotary motion of particles around energy’s axis. Nature uses the five perfect divisions of the sphere or the Platonic solids as the basis for the diverse forms of matter. Shapes, forms, proportions, and rhythms are nature’s toolbox for expression and evolution.

Everything has a pattern, and the pattern is key to creating a specific effect. The most important patterns are repeated throughout all levels of creation. Let us take, for example, the sphere; this is based on rotational energy movement. This is the container shape for energy and is repeated throughout all life-forms, from an atom to a planet. The spiral is also found replicated many times in nature. This is another way that energy moves, spiraling upward to higher levels of vibration and frequency.

These recurring patterns are known as fractals and occur repeatedly on smaller and smaller scales, each tiny part containing a replication of the whole. These fractal configurations of nature are the patterns of evolution, and they clearly demonstrate the overall intelligent-design pattern inherent in nature.

Amazingly, the abstract world of mathematics can now demonstrate that shape is built into numbers


These recurring patterns are known as fractals and occur repeatedly on smaller and smaller scales, each tiny part containing a replication of the whole.

The Mandelbrot set (set = a collection of numbers), together with the advanced computing power of twentieth-century processors, has been able to demonstrate the maps of fractal patterning that are built into number sequences—shapes that repeat and repeat infinitely on a smaller and smaller scale.

The most important point to remember about this phenomenon, other than the extraordinary beauty and complexity fractals demonstrate, is that mathematics reveals them but did not create them. The patterns were already there, just waiting to be discovered. Mathematics is a concept of quantity; numbers are abstract, not physical; and the laws of mathematics are mental constructs only. But the numbers are a tool of discovery and reveal the underlying intelligent energy of the universe exhibited in the snowflake, the fern, a coastline, a mountain chain, or lightning branches.

Mandelbrot recognized this when he stated he knew how to transform the formulas into pictures instantly. Evidence of fractal patterns and their applications can be seen everywhere. For example, in nature the distribution of trees in a forest replicates the distribution of branches on a tree. The fractal pattern in a forest enables researchers to predict the amount of carbon dioxide the entire forest can absorb. Brian Enquist, professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona, states, “All of life is sustained by underlying networks and circuitry systems; full biological systems are fractal.”

As the fractal configuration of nature becomes more and more clearly apparent, “evolution appears to be fuelled by an innate intelligence of life moving towards greater wholeness as it recognizes and adapts to the changes in the physical world.” Observation of nature reveals that as change occurs, greater awareness is achieved, giving rise to more sophisticated forms with greater perception. This increased awareness becomes the key to successful survival.

All of life is sustained by underlying networks and circuitry systems; full biological systems are fractal.

Cellular biologist Bruce Lipton offers a wonderful illustration of the fractal evolutionary process based on simple cellular development. If evolution is defined as developing greater awareness, at the single cellular level he shows us this awareness would be the receptor site. This interfaces with the environment, surveying all and reporting back to the cell. The more receptor sites, the greater the awareness, and survival becomes assured. However, the cell’s size limits the number of receptors it can possess. How does it increase awareness?

Simple cells group themselves together to form colonies to increase collective awareness. By joining together they demonstrate organizing forces in new directions that would be impossible for a single cell. To obtain a larger awareness requires the many cells of a colony to merge once more into a singularity by folding the membrane inward and thereby increasing overall receptor capacity. The cells then become incorporated into different cells specializing in certain types of awareness and form tiny organs inside the cell wall. This creates a new awareness in the form of a complex single cell, a eukaryotic cell. From here the single eukaryotic cells once again group together to form another complex.

This process continues as ever higher levels of complexity are organized into tissue, bones, and organs, and so the survival of the group becomes more important than that of the individual and eventually together they create a single multicellular organism, a human being.

The life process becomes a cycle of one to many to one to many, and so this continues. Biological evolution is established as a fractal process as the basic formula replicates itself. Lipton points out that there is no function in the human body that is not already present in a cell. Just as the cells in the human body create a multicellular organization to make a whole being, the human being is now at a stage in its evolution where its survival depends on its interconnectedness with all life on the planet. Now is the time for group endeavour. – Excerpts from THE QUANTUM KEYS – ATHENA MELCHIZEDEK.

Blessings and Love


Mandelbrot,The Fractal Geometry of Nature, 151–165.

West, Brown, and Enquist, “The Fourth Dimension of Life,”  

Sheldrake, Morphic Resonance. Official Website Research: Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields accessed 5 August 2014

Lipton, Fractal Evolution. “Evolution by Bits and Pieces; An introduction to Fractal Evolution” 7 June Resources : Bruce’s Free Content accessed 6 August 2014

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