I have recently returned from the Ashram of Sadhguru in Southern India. The Isha Yoga Center is located at the beautifully lush Velliangiri Foothills in Coimbatore. The guidance to go was clear and strong.

The presence of this great being in my life since May this year was brought forth as I took another giant leap of faith to follow the unmistakable prompting of inner guidance, even though I had already made tentative plans to go to Canada this summer.

I have spent my entire life making these kinds of leaps of faith, I call them jumping into the unknown. They usually entail much flexibility, total surrender and deep trust.

Since my first physical contact with Sadhguru at the Mystic Eye event in London 16 May 2018, I had stopped all work and external “doing” and took a journey of deep contemplation inwards.

I had realized that since returning back to the UK from Canada in 2013 I had actually never really stopped “doing.”

My entire life has always been associated with work of some kind whether it be secular and commercial or following my spiritual path – I have been travelling and ‘on the go’ for the last 40 years.

Most of my “doing” since the age of 29 was driven by the tragic loss of my blood family at this early age and the urge to somehow comprehend and survive this loss.

Even as I undertook my spiritual service work in earnest, this culminated in a first book and a search for my tribe thinking that all would be well once this was achieved. But of course, this is not the purpose of the soul family. The soul family is there to mirror for us what is required to be transformed. It holds our shadow or what is unconscious for us.

And so I spent from 2015 up until May this year processing all the various Melchizedek/Sananda connections.

What a rich tapestry my soul had placed in front of me and of course absolutely nothing and no-one is what they seem external because they are all part of the stage play.

For that is merely what it is…

a stage play… where …..if we are perceiving using our higher sense perception and not just our 5 physical senses we will eventually realize we are all playing roles to help one another grow into full realization of the True Self.

I had spent almost a lifetime re- birthing the Divine Feminine within … this meant dealing with issues of, illness, death, loss, abandonment betrayal, existential issues, boundary issues, authority issues, personal and business relational issues with men with whom, for a time, it seemed I was doomed to be in continual conflict.

The soul family is there to mirror for us what is required to be transformed. It holds our shadow or what is unconscious for us.

One way or another I had experienced pretty much all the psychological issues common to humankind. This ultimately allowed me to have a deeply visceral experience of these wounds and why I have been able to do the work I do so successfully.

I have been able to work with all the major wounds defences, masks and discordant energies that prevent the emergence of an exuberant life experience that naturally upwells from the True Self without the filtered lens of the personality’s thoughts, emotions and reactions and karmic proclivities.

After my Himalayan trip in Dec 2017, I knew intuitively there was something radical afoot. Thus began the next stage of the journey of the Melchizedek / Sananda complex for me.

During the Himalayan trip, I had taken a sincere vow to fully embody the frequencies of my spiritual name thinking this is why it had been given. This I did to the best of my ability. Immediately a major process began.

On deep reflection, I realized from 2015 until early 2018 particularly I had been faced with certain life situations and through fear and spiritual naivete I had accepted as truth what I knew to be false and treatment that was less than kind. I feared challenging distorted masculine energy showing up in males and females in my life in case I lost the relationships. I compromised. I was literally terrified of my own negative masculine energy arising in the form of aggression and hostility as it had done so many times in my early life; a defence to help me survive. And so I denied it, I pushed it away. I kept quiet. In doing so I slowed down positive forward movement.



                     M +                 F =

It is the distorted masculine energy that is responsible for the patriarchal dominated society that we currently experience as running our world.

I now see that this was being mirrored in my life circumstances in both males and females.

With the unquestionable rise of the feminine energy within me I had assumed the masculine had come into full balance. What I had forgotten was that each polarity has it’s positive and negative also. What was being clearly mirrored back to me was the distorted masculine. Where in me was I keeping this in place? Where was my part in keeping this distortion in the collective?

No one says this work is easy nor is it for the faint-hearted, It requires absolute honesty with oneself, complete authenticity and firm action once the distortion surfaces.

One also must realize that the mirror, of course, can never be a high enough frequency to transmute the shadow it is bringing to light otherwise it cannot be a mirror. Of necessity, it carries the same distortions that are able to trigger the complex even if the mirrors are describing themselves as spiritual teachers. This was my challenge. This brought up fear of being ostracized, put aside, disposed of, losing a ‘family’ once again higher stakes this time at a new turn of the spiral ……


One also must realize that the mirror, of course, can never be a high enough frequency to transmute the shadow it is bringing to light otherwise it cannot be a mirror.

So what to do?

First be grateful to my Higher Self for putting me through my paces and for my willingness to do the work after all that has been already achieved. The more work we do there can be a tendency to ‘rest on one’s laurels’, to think we have “done it” and just sit in a higher form of spiritual ego. The strength and tenacity of this resistance is is actually more insidious and much harder to spot than when one is just starting on their path.

However, it is also a wonderful opportunity because from these “tests” we can evolve into higher and higher states of being if we are willing to humble ourselves and have a beginner’s mind.

Humility is the key component.

From the beginning of 2018 I have had constant guidance from 3 incredible Masters

Quan Yin- Realised Master

She has constantly reminded me to honor and empower the Divine Feminine in myself and all beings – male and female

Dr David Hawkins – Realised Master

His Map of Consciousness has been invaluable in navigating the tricky waters of the higher spiritual octaves. When we leap into the void we usually have no road map. He provided one and gave me a basis to confirm Truth from Falsehood.

Richard Rudd, -Realised Master  (author of The Gene Keys)

His synthesis of the ancient I Ching with the 64 DNA codons re-affirmed the study of the I Ching I had undertaken as a young woman when trying to make sense of life’s multiple tragedies. He brought in fresh insight and higher perception for me.

To have the guidance and blessing of these three Master Teachers has been extraordinary and their reflection has been a blessing beyond measure. I bow down in gratitude.

The hand of the Divine is always moving within us if we can slow down and stop trying to think our way out of issues. The Divine Presence is the truth of who each one of us is. Because it is there all the time we so easily can become unaware of its presence as we become distracted and constantly turn outwards to the physical world. This is what most of humanity is doing most of the time.

It’s a little like the beauty of birdsong … we hear it in the morning when we first awake in the stillness but as the day goes on and we get pre-occupied with life happening it fades into the background and we no longer hear it. Our awareness is diverted away from the beautiful songs.

My guidance was clear to drop everything and go to India in July and stay until the Full Moon Eclipse or Guru Purnima as it is known in India.

Guru Purnima is a time of Grace. In yogic science, It marks the day when the First Yogi – Shiva, the -Adi Yogi turned his attention to his first disciples – The Seven Rishis to whom he transmitted the Science of Yoga. Guru Purnima is about transcendence and liberation. It is a time when new possibilities open up for us. 

At this time there is also great assistance from the cosmos  – there is an alliance between the moon and the planets and the sun’s relationship to earth changes from its northern progression to a southern direction that help us become more receptive to the non physical dimensions of existence. This lunar eclipse was the longest to take place in the 21st century.

I spent 3 full weeks doing Asanas, Pranayama, Kriya and Meditation in the form of programs every day and finally attended the Lap of the Master with Sadhguru himself beginning with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 27 July and ending 29 July. These days were filled with profound experiences and transformation in my energy system and consciousness

There is a silent non-verbal benefit of being in the presence of such a great being. The silent transmission of this high frequency energy field is literally the transmission of no -mind. It happens of itself and is only through the grace and benediction of the teacher that one can have the experience. This is the Grace of the Guru

Within my system, I am aware a re-polarisation took place. I could literally feel this in my physical body and my energy bodies. I could feel the neurons in my brain re-wiring. I could feel my cells re-configuring as the DNA mutated. I felt the emptiness of the quantum potential I AM. I felt the fullness of the manifestation of the Divine

The negative masculine shadow aspect that threatened the sustainability of the thriving feminine within was being dissolved by the grace of a Master Yogi and Guru. My willingness to approach the work with the humility of a beginner’s mind and willingness to do anything to shift whatever needed to be shifted was rewarded by the Grace of this Guru. This living Master ‘s energy frequency facilitated the release and transmutation in the cellular memory of this most ancient pattern held in this energy system. (Karma)

I am blessed to have full awareness of how the original karma was created as I have had with all the karmic work on my spiritual journey.  During the earlier months of 2018 from Glastonbury I received full knowledge of all lives that have held the Melchizedek patriarchy in place that are relevant to this soul’s liberation. The release of ‘this virus in the system’ is a culminating piece in this lifetime.

The changes that are a consequence of following the path of the Divine should not be underestimated. No dissolution can occur unless there is a complete surrender and a willingness to walk the talk rather than just intellectualize the process. This demands TOTAL trust and often a willingness to renounce pleasure that is limited and derived from external sources (from an object or a person) for JOY that is unlimited and an inner resource that requires NO external agency.

This living Master ‘s energy frequency facilitated the release and transmutation in the cellular memory of this most ancient pattern held in this energy system. (Karma)

On the spiritual path, this may be experienced many times however the problem for most is how to sustain this and not slip back into old behavioral patterns. It takes work and practice and Grace. I have beheld and received such Grace.

As I sat for my final meditation in the Dhyanalinga Temple in front of the energy form that is the highest embodiment of the Divine on this planet (created and consecrated by Sadhguru for humanity,) silent tears of JOY began flowing uncontrollably.

…What occurred was. a profound experience of the Divine that surpasses all thought and emotion, all consciousness, and is a pure experience of the undescribeable. It came in gently, not in a rush or a drama but permeated this entire being with a knowingness that the FULL Divine Presence was just happening within.

I could not speak or describe what was happening. I still cannot really describe this very well even after all my experiences with personal process. With tears of great humility, reverence, joy, love, peace, bliss I bow to the Divine within and without

It is done -The death of the illusion of Athena Melchizedek Sananda.

I will still keep the name to function in physical form but for sure I have dissolved the identification with this “identity.” Ultimately our liberation and Self- Realization is about dissolving anything that identifies itself with a persona. 

It is the paradox that I had thought to embody this identity was the soul ‘s mission to do its work on the planet.  Actually to dissolve it was the true mission. But by embodying this “identity” its eventual dis-soul-ution was assured and with it the dissolution of the Melchizedek patriarchy as it pertained to this soul’s experience. This has been the “real” life’s work.

I have seen the new reflection in the Lap of a Master and in the unconditional love, acceptance and welcome of the beautiful beings at the Ashram. The whole of humanity is my family. The reflection was instant and I continue to be humbled and in awe of the intelligence of the Divine that knows what it is about.


I have recently returned from the Ashram of Sadhguru in Southern India. The Isha Yoga Center is located at the beautifully lush Velliangiri Foothills in Coimbatore. The guidance to go was clear and strong.

The presence of this great being in my life since May this year was brought forth as I took another giant leap of faith to follow the unmistakable prompting of inner guidance, even though I had already made tentative plans to go to Canada this summer.

I have spent my entire life making these kinds of leaps of faith, I call them jumping into the unknown. They usually entail much flexibility, total surrender and deep trust.

Since my first physical contact with Sadhguru at the Mystic Eye event in London 16 May 2018, I had stopped all work and external “doing” and took a journey of deep contemplation inwards.

I had realized that since returning back to the UK from Canada in 2013 I had actually never really stopped “doing.”

My entire life has always been associated with work of some kind whether it be secular and commercial or following my spiritual path – I have been travelling and ‘on the go’ for the last 40 years.

Most of my “doing” since the age of 29 was driven by the tragic loss of my blood family at this early age and the urge to somehow comprehend and survive this loss.

Even as I undertook my spiritual service work in earnest, this culminated in a first book and a search for my tribe thinking that all would be well once this was achieved. But of course, this is not the purpose of the soul family. The soul family is there to mirror for us what is required to be transformed. It holds our shadow or what is unconscious for us.

And so I spent from 2015 up until May this year processing all the various Melchizedek/Sananda connections.

What a rich tapestry my soul had placed in front of me and of course absolutely nothing and no-one is what they seem external because they are all part of the stage play.

For that is merely what it is…

a stage play… where …..if we are perceiving using our higher sense perception and not just our 5 physical senses we will eventually realize we are all playing roles to help one another grow into full realization of the True Self.

I had spent almost a lifetime re- birthing the Divine Feminine within … this meant dealing with issues of, illness, death, loss, abandonment betrayal, existential issues, boundary issues, authority issues, personal and business relational issues with men with whom, for a time, it seemed I was doomed to be in continual conflict.

The soul family is there to mirror for us what is required to be transformed. It holds our shadow or what is unconscious for us.

One way or another I had experienced pretty much all the psychological issues common to humankind. This ultimately allowed me to have a deeply visceral experience of these wounds and why I have been able to do the work I do so successfully.

I have been able to work with all the major wounds defences, masks and discordant energies that prevent the emergence of an exuberant life experience that naturally upwells from the True Self without the filtered lens of the personality’s thoughts, emotions and reactions and karmic proclivities.

After my Himalayan trip in Dec 2017, I knew intuitively there was something radical afoot. Thus began the next stage of the journey of the Melchizedek / Sananda complex for me.

During the Himalayan trip, I had taken a sincere vow to fully embody the frequencies of my spiritual name thinking this is why it had been given. This I did to the best of my ability. Immediately a major process began.

On deep reflection, I realized from 2015 until early 2018 particularly I had been faced with certain life situations and through fear and spiritual naivete I had accepted as truth what I knew to be false and treatment that was less than kind. I feared challenging distorted masculine energy showing up in males and females in my life in case I lost the relationships. I compromised. I was literally terrified of my own negative masculine energy arising in the form of aggression and hostility as it had done so many times in my early life; a defence to help me survive. And so I denied it, I pushed it away. I kept quiet. In doing so I slowed down positive forward movement.



                     M +                 F =

It is the distorted masculine energy that is responsible for the patriarchal dominated society that we currently experience as running our world.

I now see that this was being mirrored in my life circumstances in both males and females.

With the unquestionable rise of the feminine energy within me I had assumed the masculine had come into full balance. What I had forgotten was that each polarity has it’s positive and negative also. What was being clearly mirrored back to me was the distorted masculine. Where in me was I keeping this in place? Where was my part in keeping this distortion in the collective?

No one says this work is easy nor is it for the faint-hearted, It requires absolute honesty with oneself, complete authenticity and firm action once the distortion surfaces.

One also must realize that the mirror, of course, can never be a high enough frequency to transmute the shadow it is bringing to light otherwise it cannot be a mirror. Of necessity, it carries the same distortions that are able to trigger the complex even if the mirrors are describing themselves as spiritual teachers. This was my challenge. This brought up fear of being ostracized, put aside, disposed of, losing a ‘family’ once again higher stakes this time at a new turn of the spiral ……


One also must realize that the mirror, of course, can never be a high enough frequency to transmute the shadow it is bringing to light otherwise it cannot be a mirror.

So what to do?

First be grateful to my Higher Self for putting me through my paces and for my willingness to do the work after all that has been already achieved. The more work we do there can be a tendency to ‘rest on one’s laurels’, to think we have “done it” and just sit in a higher form of spiritual ego. The strength and tenacity of this resistance is is actually more insidious and much harder to spot than when one is just starting on their path.

However, it is also a wonderful opportunity because from these “tests” we can evolve into higher and higher states of being if we are willing to humble ourselves and have a beginner’s mind.

Humility is the key component.

From the beginning of 2018 I have had constant guidance from 3 incredible Masters

Quan Yin- Realised Master

She has constantly reminded me to honor and empower the Divine Feminine in myself and all beings – male and female

Dr David Hawkins – Realised Master

His Map of Consciousness has been invaluable in navigating the tricky waters of the higher spiritual octaves. When we leap into the void we usually have no road map. He provided one and gave me a basis to confirm Truth from Falsehood.

Richard Rudd, -Realised Master  (author of The Gene Keys)

His synthesis of the ancient I Ching with the 64 DNA codons re-affirmed the study of the I Ching I had undertaken as a young woman when trying to make sense of life’s multiple tragedies. He brought in fresh insight and higher perception for me.

To have the guidance and blessing of these three Master Teachers has been extraordinary and their reflection has been a blessing beyond measure. I bow down in gratitude.

The hand of the Divine is always moving within us if we can slow down and stop trying to think our way out of issues. The Divine Presence is the truth of who each one of us is. Because it is there all the time we so easily can become unaware of its presence as we become distracted and constantly turn outwards to the physical world. This is what most of humanity is doing most of the time.

It’s a little like the beauty of birdsong … we hear it in the morning when we first awake in the stillness but as the day goes on and we get pre-occupied with life happening it fades into the background and we no longer hear it. Our awareness is diverted away from the beautiful songs.

My guidance was clear to drop everything and go to India in July and stay until the Full Moon Eclipse or Guru Purnima as it is known in India.

Guru Purnima is a time of Grace. In yogic science, It marks the day when the First Yogi – Shiva, the -Adi Yogi turned his attention to his first disciples – The Seven Rishis to whom he transmitted the Science of Yoga. Guru Purnima is about transcendence and liberation. It is a time when new possibilities open up for us. 

At this time there is also great assistance from the cosmos  – there is an alliance between the moon and the planets and the sun’s relationship to earth changes from its northern progression to a southern direction that help us become more receptive to the non physical dimensions of existence. This lunar eclipse was the longest to take place in the 21st century.

I spent 3 full weeks doing Asanas, Pranayama, Kriya and Meditation in the form of programs every day and finally attended the Lap of the Master with Sadhguru himself beginning with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 27 July and ending 29 July. These days were filled with profound experiences and transformation in my energy system and consciousness

There is a silent non-verbal benefit of being in the presence of such a great being. The silent transmission of this high frequency energy field is literally the transmission of no -mind. It happens of itself and is only through the grace and benediction of the teacher that one can have the experience. This is the Grace of the Guru

Within my system, I am aware a re-polarisation took place. I could literally feel this in my physical body and my energy bodies. I could feel the neurons in my brain re-wiring. I could feel my cells re-configuring as the DNA mutated. I felt the emptiness of the quantum potential I AM. I felt the fullness of the manifestation of the Divine

The negative masculine shadow aspect that threatened the sustainability of the thriving feminine within was being dissolved by the grace of a Master Yogi and Guru. My willingness to approach the work with the humility of a beginner’s mind and willingness to do anything to shift whatever needed to be shifted was rewarded by the Grace of this Guru. This living Master ‘s energy frequency facilitated the release and transmutation in the cellular memory of this most ancient pattern held in this energy system. (Karma)

I am blessed to have full awareness of how the original karma was created as I have had with all the karmic work on my spiritual journey.  During the earlier months of 2018 from Glastonbury I received full knowledge of all lives that have held the Melchizedek patriarchy in place that are relevant to this soul’s liberation. The release of ‘this virus in the system’ is a culminating piece in this lifetime.

The changes that are a consequence of following the path of the Divine should not be underestimated. No dissolution can occur unless there is a complete surrender and a willingness to walk the talk rather than just intellectualize the process. This demands TOTAL trust and often a willingness to renounce pleasure that is limited and derived from external sources (from an object or a person) for JOY that is unlimited and an inner resource that requires NO external agency.

This living Master ‘s energy frequency facilitated the release and transmutation in the cellular memory of this most ancient pattern held in this energy system. (Karma)

On the spiritual path, this may be experienced many times however the problem for most is how to sustain this and not slip back into old behavioral patterns. It takes work and practice and Grace. I have beheld and received such Grace.

As I sat for my final meditation in the Dhyanalinga Temple in front of the energy form that is the highest embodiment of the Divine on this planet (created and consecrated by Sadhguru for humanity,) silent tears of JOY began flowing uncontrollably.

…What occurred was. a profound experience of the Divine that surpasses all thought and emotion, all consciousness, and is a pure experience of the undescribeable. It came in gently, not in a rush or a drama but permeated this entire being with a knowingness that the FULL Divine Presence was just happening within.

I could not speak or describe what was happening. I still cannot really describe this very well even after all my experiences with personal process. With tears of great humility, reverence, joy, love, peace, bliss I bow to the Divine within and without

It is done -The death of the illusion of Athena Melchizedek Sananda.

I will still keep the name to function in physical form but for sure I have dissolved the identification with this “identity.” Ultimately our liberation and Self- Realization is about dissolving anything that identifies itself with a persona. 

It is the paradox that I had thought to embody this identity was the soul ‘s mission to do its work on the planet.  Actually to dissolve it was the true mission. But by embodying this “identity” its eventual dis-soul-ution was assured and with it the dissolution of the Melchizedek patriarchy as it pertained to this soul’s experience. This has been the “real” life’s work.

I have seen the new reflection in the Lap of a Master and in the unconditional love, acceptance and welcome of the beautiful beings at the Ashram. The whole of humanity is my family. The reflection was instant and I continue to be humbled and in awe of the intelligence of the Divine that knows what it is about.


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