To provide and deliver cutting edge programs for embodied transformation of consciousness.
To enable those who participate direct experience of how they can clear, activate and modulate their own bioenergy field, engage with the higher frequencies of this field and bring them to full integration and embodiment in the physical life.
Our world is changing rapidly and, with a few exceptions our leaders are failing miserably to handle the complex issues confronting them in the Twenty First Century. Innovative approaches are required. NOW is the time! It is now crucial we take off the blinkers and investigate how we individually and collectively create the reality that is our world.
Modern science is now evidencing that we see only what we expect to see (programmed through our early conditioning) in our outer reality. If we change our expectation (programming) we change the outcome of what we observe. Everything is entangled and interacts with instant communication; it becomes ordered or coherent by human thought and intention. Our genes do not determine our health and well- being but our genes and DNA are modulated by their environment and light, sound, vibration and energy. Our consciousness does not arise from the brain.
The brain is a processor but the heart, through its newly discovered neuronal network, receives information before the brain. The mind DOES significantly affect matter. WE are each a cell in the planetary body, inextricably linked to all species and connected to the entire solar system; galaxy; cosmos and most importantly we are all in this together. Everything, you and me included, is made from energy (light, sound, geometric, mathematical forms) vibrating at a certain frequency. The frequency we broadcast as individuals and as a collective determines what shows up in the outer world. To change the picture we must change the broadcast.
We do this by clearing all energy blocks, expanding our consciousness and raising our overall frequency to include the totality of all we truly are.
The full integration of these supercharged frequencies into our physical reality results in emotional stability and mental clarity. Stimulates creativity for problem solving and increases an overall productivity that serves the highest good of all.
Ensures relationships serve the whole and become interdependent. Not co-dependent. Elevates communication to its highest expression in line with Higher Will and the Cosmic Plan. Supports the preferred vision for all life to flourish in abundance and wellbeing as the planet and its peoples raise to a new level of consciousness. Brings direct contact and knowing of Source Energy and its ongoing evolutionary urge to keep on experiencing itself through us.
Our world is changing rapidly and, with a few exceptions our leaders are failing miserably to handle the complex issues confronting them in the Twenty First Century. Innovative approaches are required. NOW is the time! It is now crucial we take off the blinkers and investigate how we individually and collectively create the reality that is our world.
Modern science is now evidencing that we see only what we expect to see (programmed through our early conditioning) in our outer reality. If we change our expectation (programming) we change the outcome of what we observe. Everything is entangled and interacts with instant communication; it becomes ordered or coherent by human thought and intention. Our genes do not determine our health and well- being but our genes and DNA are modulated by their environment and light, sound, vibration and energy. Our consciousness does not arise from the brain.
The brain is a processor but the heart, through its newly discovered neuronal network, receives information before the brain. The mind DOES significantly affect matter. WE are each a cell in the planetary body, inextricably linked to all species and connected to the entire solar system; galaxy; cosmos and most importantly we are all in this together. Everything, you and me included, is made from energy (light, sound, geometric, mathematical forms) vibrating at a certain frequency. The frequency we broadcast as individuals and as a collective determines what shows up in the outer world. To change the picture we must change the broadcast.
We do this by clearing all energy blocks, expanding our consciousness and raising our overall frequency to include the totality of all we truly are.
The full integration of these supercharged frequencies into our physical reality results in emotional stability and mental clarity. Stimulates creativity for problem solving and increases an overall productivity that serves the highest good of all.
Ensures relationships serve the whole and become interdependent. Not co-dependent. Elevates communication to its highest expression in line with Higher Will and the Cosmic Plan. Supports the preferred vision for all life to flourish in abundance and wellbeing as the planet and its peoples raise to a new level of consciousness. Brings direct contact and knowing of Source Energy and its ongoing evolutionary urge to keep on experiencing itself through us.